Chapter 9 Phantasmal Light & Snow on the Window ![]() ...It's cold. No one would think the chill within the shop would be of this world. I have a heater placed at the center of the store; it's an essential item for getting through Gensokyo's severe winter. It was dangerously close to becoming no more than a mere decoration this year, but I got it working again somehow. But it's still cold. And when I say "cold," I mean the entire shop is freezing. This heater is from the outside world; it usually gives off an unbelievable heat. And right now, I could almost say the same thing of the flame that's burning bright within it; there's no way it should be this cold...normally. But, it's cold. And that is naturally because the shop has been full of ghosts since this morning; that's because the temperature of ghosts is extremely low. The shop was engulfed in that otherworldly and ghostly light. This light would reflect back in the snow on the window and give a phantasmal mood to the whole shop, as if in contrast to the very real light from the heater. Unfortunately, I don't have any abilities that would allow me to hear the voices of the ghosts; as much as I would like to, I can't find out what these countless ghosts' purpose is; that's just not my specialty. But if it stays this cold, I don't think I'll be able to get through this winter. So, even though it might be somewhat of an extreme measure, maybe I should ask a specialist to perform a ghost extermination. As for why I think it's an extreme measure, I don't sense any ill will from these ghosts. Since going all the way to the shrine was such a bother, I tried to communicate with a bored-looking ghost in the shop with the message, "I want you to go to the shrine and call the shrine maiden." Well, I guess it is a silly idea, considering that I want it to call Reimu here so she can exterminate them. However, the bored ghost happily replied (and by that, I mean it moved its head-part up and down in a nodding motion) and flew off; it seems they can hear and understand my voice, at least. And really, these ghosts are very nice and cheerful types. If they weren't so cold, that would be even better. A ghost's chill can actually be helpful, especially in summer; on hot summer nights, humans would gladly look for ghosts in order to cool themselves; though this is actually a test of will, that's the reason why it is more commonly done in summer. All living things have their living temperatures; human and youkai are the same in this aspect. On the other hand, objects always assume the temperature of their surroundings. But ghosts are cold, unlike both living things and objects. Maybe that is how ghosts assert themselves. *Knock-knock.* "What happened that would make you call for help in that manner, Rinnosuke?" Reimu had come; it seems the ghost had accomplished its task. "What do you mean? I thought you would be able to tell just by looking at the situation. I wanted you to exterminate - or rather, drive away - all these ghosts." "Ghosts? Well, there's been a lot of them lately; the shrine is full of ghosts too. It's such a bother..." Was she trying to imply something like "I can't exterminate ghosts myself"? "It gets cold here with all of them around." "Well, that's because they're ghosts, after all. But before driving them away, maybe you should figure out why they gathered here in the first place?" "But it's so cold. I'd rather investigate after the room gets a little warmer." "Is that how it is? I doubt you'll find a way to get rid of them if you don't get to the root of the problem." As Reimu spoke, she prepared some amulets; ghost-warding talismans, perhaps? "I will put up some amulets, just for peace of mind though." "Thank you...but taking such an indirect approach isn't like you, Reimu. Do you dislike dealing with ghosts?" "What I do is youkai extermination - ghosts are not youkai." Reimu just stuck some amulets around the shop and went back. And, in fact, it did seem like the ghosts couldn't get close to them; the thing is, the range of the amulets was far too small; the shop's interior was just as full of ghosts as before. They were almost useless spread out like that, so I rearranged some of the amulets closer to me, my bed, and the more valuable merchandise. Looking closely, some of the ghosts were crowded around the heater, looking as if they were cold. I wanted to say "whose fault do you think this cold is?", but then again, it seems that even ghosts who are cold don't necessarily like being cold. Well...that makes sense; most ghosts were originally human, and so, a ghost's tastes and character shouldn't really change much from when it was alive. Upon closer observation, I could see some curiously looking around the store, some that wouldn't move from close to the heater, and some that were chatting with their fellows (or so they seemed). There appeared to be quite a few types. They certainly have different ways of thinking. But then again, why are all these different ghosts gathering at my place all of a sudden? Did they all decide to do so as a group? If I could only hear their voices, it would be a lot easier. When you think of hearing the voices of the deceased, an itako medium is the profession that comes to mind. The thing is, most people misunderstand a medium's ability; they don't actually listen to the voices of the deceased; they let their unconscious be possessed by the person they were asked to summon, and then transmit it in the form of words. That's why mediums can't hear the voice of anyone who is not closely related to the client. And if said client is not in front of the medium, they also won't be able to perform a possession. If a medium were to "successfully" contact a deceased soul that is neither family nor lover to the client, then it's most certainly a trick. On the other hand, if it is family or lover, then she could perform it even if the person was not dead. You may think that shrine maidens have the same ability as itako mediums, but they differ a little. A shrine maiden can speak out a god's words. And, as there is a god to every thing, you could even hear an object's voice through that. But then again, this communication only goes one way; it would be - so to speak - a god's monologue put into words. ...It's quiet outside. Snowing, probably. It might just be that those ghosts were in the middle of a journey, and stopped here because it was snowing outside. Reimu only stuck her amulets around the shop, without doing any active extermination. Ghost must really be different from youkai. There's not really a reason to exterminate ghosts, unlike youkai. As for me, I just went to sleep, leaving the heater on. Even the ghosts would be cold. Well, at least I would be. ***
*Bam-bam-bam!* Daybreak. The sun had barely risen, but someone is already banging on my door. The snowing has stopped. The light from the snow and the freezing air enveloped all of Gensokyo in white. *Bam-bam-bam!* "Excuse me! There's something I want to look for at your shop for a moment!" *Bam-bam-bam!* *Flomp.* Ahh, the knocks on the door were making the whole shop vibrate...and it was snowing all last night, and since I left the heater on overnight, the snow on the roof must have loosened. "You're a bit early; there's still some time before I open up shop for the day...just what is your business here?" However, when I opened the door, there wasn't anyone there; there was just a pile of snow right in front of the door - and protruding from this snow pile were two swords and a leg. Customers won't be able to enter like this. Seems like I'll have to shovel away all this snow later...but wait! It seems like this snow pile in front of me is one such visitor! Just where did I put my snow, wait...there seems to be something soft inside the pile, so it might be dangerous to push a shovel into it... "Ughhh..." I could hear a voice coming from inside the snow pile. "You can get out by yourself, I guess...but just what is it that you want? It's still too early in the morning; I haven't opened the store yet." "No, I...I can't move. Can't you at least help remove a little of this snow?" "If you can hear my voice, then you can state your business, for starters; I can help you after that, alright?" "Oooooohh...ughhhhh..." ![]() "Brr, it's cold! I can't move my arms and legs like this! Please move away the rest of the snow." "If you move your body too much, it will compress the snow and it'll harden; that's why--" "It doesn't matter why!" "So what is your business here?" She whimpered a bit, then answered, "There's something I want to investigate in your shop, and it's urgent; that's why I came all this way--" "Something you want to investigate? Could it have something to do with the ghosts?" "Yes, it does." "Why didn't you say so before? I'll take this snow off you." "So if it were another matter, you would've left me like this...? Honestly!" "From now on, please visit the store in a more proper manner." A little while after I began removing the snow, she was able to move again, and freed herself from the pile. Maybe it was because of the ordeal she just went through, but when I opened the door, she entered after me with an embarassed look on her face. The girl, who goes by the strange name of Youmu Konpaku, started to shiver from the cold as soon as she entered the shop. She was wearing green from head to toe, with a broad and short skirt that seemed very cold. Her bobbed haircut looked excessively childish - and the way she showed up was also quite childish. But her most characteristic trait was the long sword - about as long as she was tall - that she carried on her back, and the small sword by her hip. To walk into my store carrying such dangerous can I say it? It wouldn't be strange to assume she was a thief; maybe that's why the shop itself turned against her. By dropping snow on her and all. "If you are feeling cold, you should sit near the heater; it's been on since yesterday, so it must be rather warm." "Ah, thank you very much. I will do that now, then." After she entered the shop, her behavior became very polite; she's probably "that kind" of girl. "It might be too hot, so take care not to get burned..." When I glanced in the direction of the heater, she was there with a relaxed expression on her face, looking almost lazy. I guess she's the same as Reimu and the others then. As the water in the teapot on top of the heater was almost boiling, I put in some snow and ice I brought from outside. "Can we get started? First, what is your business? You said you came to investigate something about these ghosts...?" "That's right. Do you know why these ghosts are gathering here?" "If I knew, I would be doing something more intereresting." ...Like thinking what I could do after gathering them. But more importantly, something caught my attention just a while ago: a conspicuously large ghost came in at some point, and is now monopolizing the heater like it was enshrined there. "Before the ghosts started to gather, didn't anything strange happen?" "Before I answer that, just who are you? Do you exterminate ghosts with that sword? Or maybe you are just curious about them?" "Ah, forgive me for not saying before; I happen to know something about the cause of these ghosts gathering here. As you can see, I'm also a ghost - well, half-ghost..." What? So she isn't entirely human? Well, it doesn't look like I'll be able to ask her to do either youkai or ghost extermin-- wait, a ghost?! "Ghost, you say? But since when do ghosts have a physical body like yours? You can't possibly be dead." "Ah, of course this part of me here is the human one; my ghost part is the one there." She pointed to the big ghost monopolizing the heater. It seems like she's able to command ghosts; in this case, she may be used to dealing with ghosts. There exist such strange occupations in Gensokyo. "So, I'll ask you again. Did anything strange happen lately? Like picking up something, for example...?" "They just suddenly started to gather one day." I was beginning to figure out this girl's intention from the way she phrased her questions. "Yes, I know that already." "You just said you had some knowledge about this; however, you are trying to get information out of me. In other words, you want me to say something you don't want to admit aloud yourself?" "Uh, i-it's nothing like that!" "In that case, can't you tell me what you already know?" "Y-yes, very well; I'll just ask you directly: Did you happen to pick up the Soul Torch?" Soul Torch? Had I picked up something like that? I pick up a lot of stuff, so I don't always remember the more commonplace objects. "What exactly is this Soul Torch?" "The Soul Torch is an item used for guiding a countless number of souls; it is something that originally only existed in the Netherworld; the light from it can be seen by ghosts no matter how far away they are, nor how many obstacles there are in the way. And when they see it, they flock to it." "Ah, I see. So that's the Soul Torch...Now that I think about it, I think I picked up something that looked like it in Muenzuka, just before winter started...just where did I put it...?" "So it's here?!" For some reason, she seemed really happy. "Yes, I'm quite sure I picked it up. That was some time ago, though...but I don't remember bringing in a torch or a lantern; wait a moment." I looked into the pile of lanterns that I picked up over the last year, and found something like it; it looked like a paper lantern the size of one's palm, and it was indeed glowing somehow. "This is the Soul Torch, right?" I had the ability to know the name and utility of any item, after all. "That's it, that's it! Ahh, what a relief..." "It seems like it started glowing by this cold flame the light of a disembodied soul?" "Yes, but you don't need to concern yourself about that. As long as you possess the Soul Torch, the ghosts will continue to gather here." I see. So that's what it amounts to. "I think I'm just now realizing the reason why you came to my shop. You see, I told you that the ghosts were gathering, but I didn't say that they were being a bother. It was you who carelessly dropped it, wasn't it? Maybe you could manipulate ghosts before, but once you lost this, you couldn't control them anymore?" "No, you're correct...I'm not able to manipulate ghosts by myself..." "All this time, you really just wanted to get it back, right? If you don't tell me the real reason why, I don't think I will be able to give it to you." "Ooooohh..." She whimpered a bit more. So, finally, she began to divulge her reason for coming. The girl apparently lived and worked at a large mansion in the Netherworld. And there she was entrusted by the mistress of the place with the custody of this important item, the Soul Torch. However, it seems that she carelessly dropped it while travelling. That does seem likely for this girl. When she realized she had lost it, she couldn't remember where she may have dropped it, and without being able to bring the matter to her mistress, she was at a loss on what to do. She would search for it during breaks in her job for a while, but since she couldn't make any progress, she gradually forgot about it altogether. Likely of her, I suppose? "In the end, Lady Yuyuko found out about it...and she was awfully mad at me." "Well, that's obvious." But was the reason she got angry because she lost it, or because she didn't tell her about it? I wonder if she knows herself. "Lady Yuyuko said that she could make the Soul Torch shine no matter where it is, and that I should go look for where the ghosts were gathering." If she can make it shine wherever it is, then I'm sure she would be able to know where it is, too. It seems awfully convenient that she could only make it shine - she had to have wanted to make this girl go look for it. So what she was angry about was definitely not having been told about it. What all this means is it's because I picked up this item that I'm now surrounded by ghosts and frozen to the bone. And on top of that, I'm being used to teach a lesson to this girl. "I can see that you are extremely relieved that you found what you were looking for. But this Soul Torch has already become merchandise, you see; I can't give it away for free. I haven't opened the shop yet, but maybe I can make a special sale for you." "Whaaat?! No way~! Just give it back, please..." "Hold on. I got a good sense of this lantern's value as soon as I saw it. Being an item from the Netherworld, it is not something that's easy to come by, right? So the price should fit the value..." ***
*Knock-knock.* "Yo. Wow, did it snow a lot yesterday or what?" The door opened, and the cold-sensitive Marisa entered. "Ah, Marisa? It's dangerous, so open the door more quietly. The snow on the roof might fall, you know." "What? But there's no snow on the roof. Which is kinda weird, actually." "And why is that?" "'Cuz I really don't think ya took it off yourself; ya never were one for manual labor, right?" A good amount of time had already elapsed since that girl came to visit this morning; if it were still snowing, there would be time enough for a lot more to pile up. On the other hand, there would still be quite a bit of snow shoveling to be done. "Ahh, there was this kind person here, and she removed the snow from the roof and from around the store for me." ![]() The girl spent the whole morning removing the snow from the roof for me, so obviously she was freezing. "Ohhh, my whole body's frozen stiff...are you really friends with this cruel shopkeeper, Marisa?" "Yup, you bet! He sure is cruel, ain't he?" "That is something I cannot ignore. How was I cruel? You came to my store to buy something, and then you said you were empty-handed, right? You can't live like that in Gensokyo." "Gensokyo is such a strict place compared to the Netherworld..." "Ahaha, no way! There ain't anywhere more relaxed than right here. I bet ya got tricked by Kourin into shoveling away the snow, right?" Somehow, I got the impression that Reimu and Marisa must always be making fun of this girl, probably because of her immatureness and earnestness. But, shoveling snow is a small price to pay for a life lesson, if you ask me. |